Comments from Faculty Members

Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 16:52:24 -0800

From: Lisa Rosenberg <>



Dear Dr. Andraos,

I recently came across the website you've developed to describe the

demographics of the Canadian academic chemistry scene. What a useful

resource! I recently attended a graduate school information session

hosted by undergraduate students at McMaster University, and I

pointed many of the students I met towards your site to see what they

should be asking of and about graduate supervisors.

However, you've got a mistake in my scientific lineage! I did one

postdoc at the CNRS with Jean-Jacques Brunet, and a second at the

University of Iowa with Richard Jordan, but I did not work with Chris

Foote at UCLA - that was another Lisa Rosenberg. It's very

interesting - she actually did work on organometallic rhodium

complexes (as did I). I am very sorry to not be able to scoop her

publications into my own cv.

Thanks for helping to promote us all.


Lisa Rosenberg



Dr. Lisa Rosenberg, Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria

P.O.Box 3065

Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 3V6

(250)-721-7173 (tel) (250)-721-7147 (fax)

Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2003 12:55:08 -0800

From: Alexandre Brolo <>

To: jandraos@YorkU.CA

Subject: info


I just want to give you some info about my scientific career that seems

to be missing. I did a two years pos-doc (following my PhD with Irish)

in a collaborative project between Peter Norton (UWO) and John Hepburn

(UBC). So, I consider both of them as my pos-doc supervisors.

Thanks, and I really enjoy going through the site.





Alexandre G. Brolo

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry

University of Victoria

Victoria, BC,

P.O. Box 3065,V8W 3V6

Phone: (250) 721 7167

FAX: (250) 721 7147


Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 23:06:54 -0400

From: Scott A. Mabury <>


Subject: ottawa

dear john,

i thought you ran a very good session on 'faculty' hiring etc at the

csc/iupac meeting.  well done.

a few data that need correcting...toronto 2002:  Jumi Shin (you have

yumi) and add Scott Prosser are both new and both at UTM.

2001...Lakshmi Kotra is in pharmacy not chemistry although we

cross-appointed him.

we're searching for 4 new people this year:  1) synthetic organic; 2)

biological chem; 3) tier I crc phys chem/nano materials; 4) tier I

crc environmental.

again thanks for your session.

kind regards,

Scott Mabury


Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry,

Chair of Chemistry,

Director of ANALEST, Analytical Lab for Environmental Science

Research and Training

80 St. George St.

Department of Chemistry

University of Toronto

Toronto, ON M5S 3H6

Canada; 416 978-1780 (phone) 416 978-3596 (fax)

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 10:55:00 -0400 (EDT)

From: John Andraos <>

To: Scott A. Mabury <>

Subject: Re: ottawa

Dear Scott,

Thanks for your message.  I was very pleased with feedback from students

and postdocs.  The organizers of the 6th Annual Chemistry and

Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference (Nov. 14/15), who were in

attendance, have kindly invited me to give the same talk at Concordia


The CSC will be hosting this workshop on an annual basis and plans

to expand this career type seminar for industrial positions as well.

This second workshop would be given by someone from the chemical industry

in Canada.  It would run separately on the day the Career Fair is held so

students can have opportunities to attend both workshops.

Data on the website will be updated in the next few weeks so your

information will be included.  Thanks.  Please don't hesitate to point

out any further errors, omissions, additions, etc. beyond the UofT info.


John Andraos

Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 16:23:05 -0700

From: Robert E Campbell <>



Dear Dr. Andraos,

While undertaking my recent job search, I found the information

contained at your website very enlightening. It is truly an amazing

resource for postdocs seeking faculty positions in Canada. Now that I

have a position in Canada, it is nice to see my own name in your list

of new Faculty for 2003. I thought I could help you out by letting

you know that my postdoctoral supervisor was Roger Y. Tsien in the

Department of Pharmacology at the University of California, San Diego.

Would you mind if I put a link to from the links page

of my research group website (not up yet)?

I appreciate your effort and dedication. Thanks again,



Robert E. Campbell

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta


Phone: (780) 492-1849

Fax: (780) 492-8231



Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 08:38:24 -0700

From: Robert E Campbell <>

To: John Andraos <>

Subject: Re:

Dear John,

The most useful information for me was finding out about the academic

history of specific individuals that would be hosting me or

interviewing me during my job search. With this information I could

find personal connections (i.e. common acquaintances) or brush up on

their areas of interest. I can't make any specific suggestions of

things missing from the site. Ideally, it would be in html format

with hyperlinks to cross reference multiple appearances of the same

name. External links to personal webpages would be nice as well but

this would be a huge effort.

Thanks again for developing this valuable resource.



>Dear Robert,

>Thanks very much for your feedback.  Sure, go ahead and place a link from

>your webpage.  What specific information did you find useful?  Are there

>other aspects that are missing from the site that you would like to see


>Best wishes,

>John Andraos.

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 19:59:19 -0300

From: John M.W.Scott <>

To: John Andraos <>


Dear John,

        Jim Hyne (Calgary), Ken Leffek(Dalhousie), Alan Queen(Manitoba) and

myself(MUN) were all post doctoral fellows(PDF) at NRC with Ross Robertson.

On the other hand, Alan Stein (MUN) was a summer student. PDF's generally

stayed with Ross for two years although there were some exceptions to this.

In contrast, summer students were in the Ross' lab. for ca.3-4 months.

       Granted no distinction is to be drawn between summer students and

PDFs, there should be two further people on your map. These are STEVE

HARTMAN who is still on the faculty of Brock University according to the

Brock University web site. He published one paper with Ross

       S.Hartman and R.E.Roberson Can.J.Chem. 38,2033,(1960).

       The second person is the late JUNE G. WINTER (maiden name Martin).

June was a colleague here at MUN for ca. twenty years until she left to

Calgary University where here husband was appointed Vice President Finance.

June published one paper with Ross which was considered important enough to

be referenced in the second edition of Hammett's book on Physical Organic


      J.G.Martin and R.E.Robertson J.Am.Chem.Soc. 88,5354 (1966).

       June did a M.Sc. with me here at MUN and a Ph.D. with Derek

Banthorpe at University College London. Her Ph.D. was also partly supervised

by Sir Christopher Ingold. This means that June is related directly and

indirectly to Ross Robertson. June published seven papers with me. One of

these is mentioned in the revised version of J.March's text on Organic


       Finally if you want to extend you map further from the Robertson off

shoots then Peter David Golding did an M.Sc.and Ph.D. with me and served on

the faculty at MUN for over twenty years. He published several papers with

me and

was on several papers with Ross Robertson, Michael Blandamer and myself.

       Trusting you find this information useful,

                       John (Scott).

Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 17:42:13 -0500

From: Sabine Montaut <>


Subject: career chem homepage

** High Priority **

Dear Dr. Andraos,

My name is Sabine Montaut. I have attended the workshop for the careerchem homepage you presented during the CSC conference in Vancouver in 2002. At that time I was a postdoc and your advices on how to reach a faculty position were extremely useful. Your website was an excellent source of information during the process of getting a faculty position.  And it worked ! I have been hired on July 2004 as assistant professor at Laurentian University (department of Chemistry and Biochemistry). I was happy to find my name on your list of the "new faculty in 2004" !

I am sending you this message to complete the information concerning me:

1. I have defended my Ph.D. thesis in 1999.

2. My Ph.D. supervisors were Professor Isabelle Fourasté and Dr Gérard Vilarem (Not Nicolas Fabre as it is written in the table).

3. My Postdoc supervisor name is M. Soledade C. Pedras (Not M. Soledades C. Pedras).

Best wishes for 2005 !

Best regards,

Sabine Montaut



Dr. Sabine MONTAUT

Assistant Professor

Laurentian University

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

935, Ramsey Lake Road


Phone: 1-705- 675-1151 ext: 2185  (office S-315)

Fax: 1-705- 675-4844


Professeur Adjoint

Université Laurentienne

Département de Chimie & Biochimie

935, Chemin du Lac Ramsey


Téléphone: 1-705-675-1151 poste: 2185   (Bureau: S-315)

Télécopie: 1-705-675-4844

Adresse électronique:
